Monday, December 28, 2009

A Conversation with a Yawning Oak (Originally called Myself as a Tree)

There lives a world deep beneath, in the ground, alongside and under earth-walkers … a place that is not easily felt or visible to busy humans;
a place that a walker cannot not visit,
…except as a tree.
Here, where the world is bigger, wider just beneath the surface, longer waves of terrestrial synapses speak to all that is in Earth;
They bond all that is planted, lodged, rooted, buried here beneath.

We are Nation… slower by your sense of time, bigger and wider, over epochs.
We are alive, joined by links that connect to far more than Tree-ness. In fact, to my nation I am not a tree at all; not as you see me.
I am not aware of myself as Tree, but as Vessel for the Pulse.
Within me and throughout the vast wideness rides a frequency where everything that is within, is unified through simple contact on a massive scale, and Earth’s wellness can be felt in real-time.

We know what is as it becomes.
We cannot hear the echo that humans hear of events long past after the consequences have had consequences of their own. We –Earth Nation- know as one all events as they occur, and they leave traces in our flesh.
I am a tree for only a moment …an Earth moment; human generations.

For now, as a tree I am a kiss; an embrace of Earth.
We are gatherers of records and events that occur on the surface, where you walk pretending to be free of inheritance. Earth reveals herself through my kind.
A mutual conversation occurs right now.

To humans our nation seems slow because our system is vast. Nevertheless, humans lag. The empty space a fallen tree leaves behind is like a cataract in Earth’s eye; changing her capacity to adjust and sustain equilibrium. Ah! Equilibrium means something different to us. It is the current pace sustained as our world moves through that dynamic state between creation and obliteration. It is merely a moment that to human’s short dream seems endless, inevitable and even ordained.

This is very little information for land-walkers, this short glance into self as Tree.
However, it contains everything needed if you try to know by another sense. Tree is aware -not by senses as humans understand them, but by pulse- a primal, inescapable, instant transmission of now-ness. To humans it may seem super-human and perhaps that is an appropriate description within the limits of human knowing. But it is not extraordinary to us. It is for my Nation both instantaneous and inescapable.

Perhaps to make up for being separate, floating above the surface of your world, you are more comfortable, and perhaps feel safer, with smaller dreams to attach to. You recognize your whole world through your 5 senses, all of them remote so that you can ‘connect’ remotely, and even abstractly as you do through science; a method even more remote than your senses.

For the most part, you rebel against your primal Earth whose senses are multiplied billions that includes all that grows and rests in her. You rebel against your place among us much as your children rebel and want to grow away from you. They seek separation in their quest for autonomy; to conquer and become rulers over their own little dreams, loath to admit that their dreams are only possible because you also dreamed, and did so -no matter how inefficiently- for them too.

Like a child, a single tree does not grieve its own loss, yet all the earth knows the loss of its trees.

You earth-walkers were born as part of the long song that Tree knows, but you have become discordant, a kind of interference in the pace at which we journey together through our time. You must learn to notice what is not obvious in your small dreams that separate you from what is inseparable. You must move out of the small space between our ears and expand; re-establish your harmony in the long song of Earth.

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