Saturday, January 17, 2009

How to Keep your Success-Navigator Ship-Shape

How do you define success? Where in your life are you burning most to succeed? Is it in your relationships? Achieving balance? Finding the perfect way to serve your community? Even if you think you know the answer, and we all think we know, it is worth asking the question over and over again. If we don’t want to ask ourselves this every day, then perhaps once a week will suffice.

The reason is simple. We tend to get distracted from our course in increments that are not obvious enough to notice at first. So asking ourselves this question regularly helps to keep our track clean and it helps to keep us current. Creating success from a vision we had a year ago -or even three months ago- can actually hemorrhage energy and enthusiasm for the journey.

So, how do you define success from here; today? Perhaps it is the right career, or greater satisfaction and reward from the one you have right now. To athletes, success can mean obtaining that gold medal, to parents’ success can mean raising children with good moral values, to doctors, success can mean saving a life and to some it can mean a job promotion or acquiring wealth. You get the idea.

Why is success often difficult to achieve? One reason is that the definition -whatever it may be- has an expiration date. We tend to define success from a perspective that is rooted in the conditions we were in when we dreamt it up. So the impetus for our vision of success, to a greater or lesser extent, is simply a reaction to those conditions. In fact, you could substitute the word Success for Solution.

Success, whilst we want it to be fun, and to present countless opportunities for fulfillment and happiness it is also, and without exception, a perceived solution to something we wish to avoid ...or protect ourselves from.

When the conditions we wish to avoid shift, even slightly, the original impetus begins to lose its relevance. How we get there, our sense of urgency around it, and perhaps even how we feel about the pursuit itself, will begin to shift also. If we continue to assume we still know what success is, (based on conditions that are no longer apply in quite the same anymore) we allow a kind of rift to develop between us and our facility to get there. The dynamics or issues that no longer apply to the present still influence us. But like a ship's navigator who continues to use the departing port as the solo point of reference rather than including calculations for where the ship is currently, your deviation from a true trojectory for success will take on tremendous significance over the course of your journey. You can bet that you will not get where you a want to… fulfillment and happiness.

Ask yourself often to assess your success/solution for changes. This practice alone will help you manage the build-up of irrelevant information that no longer applies. It will position you to more efficiently see the forces actually at work in your life at any given time. Save yourself the trouble of it getting in your way through old wounds, painful memories or a fear whose main power is the fear itself. These will only take you off course as you travel and make your task harder. They will force you to take longer, and in the end there is a very high risk that they will maneuver you somewhere that, for you, turns out to be no ‘solution’ at all.

Those who walk through life making an attempt to accomplish “success” through someone else’s standards or through the standards of one’s society will never ‘feel’ successful, and even worse, they will never be fulfilled. Hence the ones who say, “… and when I achieved everything I set out to achieve, I found I was still not happy.”

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Invisible Year

Ever have one... an invisible year?

You know, a series of weeks or months that seem to hold you to one spot, no matter how much you jump up and down on them?
It can give you the blues; especially during winter when the sun is less available for instant cheer. We know very well that we didn’t fritter our time away. We know we used it to dream and strategize, to take courses and to plan some more. As a result of our endeavors we now find that we have created things we never dreamed of only a year ago, and realize that we somehow became adept at skills we had -until quite recently- turned our little noses up at.

...And yet , it feels like our days activities remain pretty much the same, they haven't really changed but a hair. The dream-schedule we nurtured daily in accordance with the best-selling rules of “The Secret” still only lives mostly in our calendar. We see this and the wind suddenly dies away from our rose-coloured sails. We become aware that we are still trying to figure out what our next move should be, and vehemently repeating to ourselves that this endless trial-and-error phase is as essential as it is apparently immortal.

We managed to stay busy over that period, chipping away at our personal Mount Rushmore. When we were not doing that we simply stood there in shock by the sheer magnitude of rock. It was as if we are trying to carve our mark into a granite mountain using but a small chisel and some polishing paper.

Even though many of us started out looking at our mountainous dream saying something like,
“You’ve got to be kidding me! There’s no way I’m climbing that thing. I don’t even like heights. Forget about it!”
But we forgot about that. We've become so caught up in achieving that the thought of that time seems almost embarrassing now.

Of course, that was before Mother Epiphany, (accompanied by a choir, naturally) broke her long silence and clearly sang,
“Actually, you do want to climb a mountain, and here it is! Isn't it marvelous?” But a kudos-recess now seems premature.

The first thing any mentor worth their salt would say is,
“Destination is where ever you are. Anywhere else is no-where else right now.”

So, if we want to influence an outcome (or destination) that is different from where we are at present, we still can only influence it from here, AKA... where we are right now. Plan all we want, a plan is still like Government intelligence; subject to change and pending further information. The only difference is that we are a little bit older.

Scary isn’t it to think of how much time we spend just planning things we rarely do the way we had planned them, and that is if we do them at all. I wonder what that time looks like in terms of years.

These are what I call invisible years. They seem to vaporize into thin air and into a non-refundable past-tense. We hope that the changes we endure in such years are at least internal; educational, broadening of our mind, and perhaps even wisdom-making.

So what’s my point? ...Just these few:

1. Invisible years are never wasted. They grow us vertically (deeply).

2. Try not to plan and re-plan too many times before you just jump in and do.

3. Remember that you’ve actually already arrived somewhere important. Because whatever you do from here, you can do from here.

4. Embrace value. Look inside and find the value and meaning that is less easy to find externally. Write it down!

5. Invisible years are the wisdom-keepers. Find the pearl in them that others, often those closest to you, may not see. Write it down!

When tea is carefully brewed we say that it is ready and perfect to drink. And yet what has changed? it is still only leaves and water.

As we run through Life, it has a way of ‘steeping’ us, just like a unique and mysterious tea steeps in hot water. We are released from the rigidity of youth and become deeper, richer, more filled with a sort of wisdom that we could only intellectualize about in youth. Even so, when we are old we still ca not quite put our finger on what that is. We grow in both breadth and in depth. The first is recognizable to others by the distance we cover within a certain speed, while the second happens when we appear to be standing still. Depth happens, even when the stillness is quite against our inner-achiever’s will. All we need do is look for it to find that we are, in fact, achieving while merely appearing to stand still. Only you will know if this is actually true for you. And if you find that it is, then dip it in gold and stand it on the mantel along with your other achievements.